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Anika Gauja The comparative study of political party organization: Changing perspectives and prospects
Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha Alternatives to neo-liberalism: Towards greater social and ecological justice
Anja Svejgaard Pors The reorganization of the bureaucratic encounter in a digitized public administration
Anke Schwarz Hydraulic standby: Anticipating water in Mexico City
Ann Rippin Images of Athena and Hera in Nike's 'Goddess' campaign
Ann-Christina Lange Reframing finance: From cultures of fictitious capital to de-regulating financial markets
Anna Alexandersson Doing qualitative research in times of alternative facts
Anna Berg-Jansson New conditions for identities, cultures and governance of welfare sector professionals: The teaching profession
Anna Boswell The playable university
Anna Carreri Gender identity (dis)order in dual precari-ous worker couples: The ‘Family Speaking Drawers’ installation
Anna Curcio Practicing militant inquiry: Composition, strike and betting in the logistics workers struggles in Italy, The anamorphosis of living labour
Anna Daneri The moving borders of art
Anna Feigenbaum Concrete needs no metaphor: Globalized fences as sites of political struggle
Anna Helle The philosophical friendship of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
Anna Pfeiffer The ethics of the brand
Anna Richter Reassembling austerity research
Anna Woźniak The charmed circle... set straight
Anna-Maria Murtola The communism of capital?, The business of truth: Authenticity, capitalism and the crisis of everyday life, The atmosphere business
Annamari Vänskä ‘Cause I wuv you!’ Pet dog fashion and emotional consumption
Anne Elizabeth Moore Authenticating the inauthentic
Anne Graefer The work of humour in affective capitalism: A case study of celebrity gossip blogs
Annette Risberg Feminism, activism, writing! Introduction to the special section, Diversity and difference research: A reflection on categories and categorization
Annika Kühn Pandemic times. A conversation with Lisa Baraitser about the temporal politics of COVID-19, Standby: Organizing modes of in|activity, Infrastructural Standby: Caring for loose relations, #standby
Annika Skoglund Handbook of entrepreneurship and sustainable development
Ansgar Allen Barthes, anti-intellectualism, and the academy
Anthony Ince Contesting the 'authentic' community: Far-right spatial strategy and everyday responses in an era of crisis
Anthony O'Shea Writing: Labour, Paid in full? Writing beyond the pale, Shut the fuck up, Writing with(out) god, Marginal competencies, Haine de la poésie: Nonesense and the absence of god
Anthony R. Yue Corruption as co-created rupture: A definitional etymological approach
Antigoni Memou Re-appropriating Che’s image: From the revolution to the market and back again
Antonella Corsani What do autonomy, activism and self-organisation mean in the neoliberal context? A conversation with Antonella Corsani
Antonie Schmiz Migrant self-employment between precariousness and self-exploitation
Antonio Claudio Engelke Menezes Teixeira Grassroots media activism and the counter-hegemonic narrative of politics
Antonio Conti The anamorphosis of living labour
Antonio Negri Foucault between past and future
Antonio Roman-Alcalá Looking to food sovereignty movements for post-growth theory
Antonios Broumas Rational choice and neoliberal theories of the intellectual commons: A critical analysis

All Issues

| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3