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Title Sort ascending Contributions by this author
Anna Curcio Practicing militant inquiry: Composition, strike and betting in the logistics workers struggles in Italy, The anamorphosis of living labour
Anna Carreri Gender identity (dis)order in dual precari-ous worker couples: The ‘Family Speaking Drawers’ installation
Anna Boswell The playable university
Anna Berg-Jansson New conditions for identities, cultures and governance of welfare sector professionals: The teaching profession
Anna Alexandersson Doing qualitative research in times of alternative facts
Ann-Christina Lange Reframing finance: From cultures of fictitious capital to de-regulating financial markets
Ann Rippin Images of Athena and Hera in Nike's 'Goddess' campaign
Anke Schwarz Hydraulic standby: Anticipating water in Mexico City
Anja Svejgaard Pors The reorganization of the bureaucratic encounter in a digitized public administration
Anindya Sekhar Purakayastha Alternatives to neo-liberalism: Towards greater social and ecological justice
Anika Gauja The comparative study of political party organization: Changing perspectives and prospects
Angus Cameron Irish utopian realism?
Angelos Evangelinidis Workers’ inquiry in praxis: The Greek student movement of 2006-2007
Angelika Sjöstedt Landén Compassion and contradictions in the world of creative knowledge work
Angela Wigger A critical appraisal of what could be an anarchist political economy
Angela Mitropoulos The demography of time and the times, The household frontier
Aneta Podkalicka On the meaning of popular representations of low-budget urban practices in Poland: The case of cultural translation
Andy Murray The reinvention of tradition
Andy Brookes The absurd workplace: How absurdity is hypernormalized in contemporary society and organizations
Andrew DJ Shield Grindr culture: Intersectional and socio-sexual
Andrés Montenegro Locating work in Santiago Sierra’s artistic practice
Andrei Botez The rise of stagnancy and emergent possibilities for young radicals: Deleuze and the perils of idolatry
Andreas Wittel The exposure of Kataryna: How Polish journalists and bloggers debate online anonymity, The social productivity of anonymity
Andreas Jansson The political economy of corporate governance , Undisciplined Economies
Andreas Diedrich Constructing the employable immigrant: The uses of validation practices in Sweden
Andreas Chatzidakis Farewell to consumerism: Countervailing logics of growth in consumption, Commodity fights in Post-2008 Athens: Zapatistas coffee, Kropotkinian drinks and Fascist rice
Andreas Broeckmann Images of anonymity
Andrea Fumagalli Life put to work: Towards a life theory of value
Andrea Bernardi Time to fix our teaching materials?
André Spicer Management of self-management, Guilty lives: The authenticity trap at work, Extitutions: The other side of institutions, Opening the companion , Images of the academy, or, Lenin in Seattle, Writing in the margins is being elsewhere. Always., Technical questions: A review of key works on the question of technology, Radicalising organisation studies and the meaning of critique, Out of the cynical bind? A reflection on resistance in Fight Club
André Reichel Shape of things to come: From the ‘laws of form’ to management in the post-growth economy
Anders Raastrup Kristensen Symptoms of organization, The organization of ignorance: An ethnographic study of the production of subjects and objects in an artificial intelligence project
Anders la Cour A vanishing act: The magical technologies of invisibility in care work
Anders Bojesen In the name of love: Let’s remember desire
Ana María Munar Dancing between anger and love: Reflections on feminist activism
Ana Carolina Jacob Manzoli Echoes from the streets in our classroom: A collaborative autoethnography in a Business School in Brazil

All Issues

| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3