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Title Sort descending Contributions by this author
Emma Dowling Tales of ‘Much of a muchness’: Adventures in the land of social capital, The ethics of engagement revisited: Remembering the ESF 2004, Producing the dining experience: Measure, subjectivity and the affective worker, Immaterial and affective labour: Explored
Emma Jeanes What are the alternatives? Organising for a socially and ecologically sustainable world, Mobilities in contemporary worlds of work and organizing, Diagrammatics of organization
Emma Surman Dialectics of dualism: The symbolic importance of the home/work divide, After organization studies
Emrah Karakilic The (un)surprising nature of creativity: A Deleuzian perspective on the temporality of the creative process
Enda Brophy The subterranean stream: Communicative capitalism and call centre labour
Enrico Beltramini Economic theology: Is economy a subfield of theology?, A genealogy of command, Power and management according to Agamben: Some implications of Agamben’s thoughts to management scholarship
ephemera Alternatives to mainstream publishing within and beyond academia
ephemera collective Pasts, presents and futures of critical publishing, ephemera’s response to the coronavirus crisis
Eric Breit Critiquing corruption: A turn to theory
Eric Faÿ Life, speech and reason: A phenomenology of open deliberation in organizations
Erik Empson The white elephant at the dinner table
Erik Mygind du Plessis Serving coffee with Žižek: On decaf, half-caf and real resistance at Starbucks
Erik Piñeiro Stop whining, start doing! Identity conflict in project managed software production
Esko Harni Zen and the art of everything: Governing spirituality in entrepreneurship education
Ester Barinaga Do critical management scholars take responsibility for the performative consequences of their concepts and methods?
Esteve Corbera Planting trees through the Clean Development Mechanism: A critical assessment
Eva Pallesen The reorganization of the bureaucratic encounter in a digitized public administration, Dis/continuity and dis/organizing effects: Exploring absent presences in educational change projects
Evangelos Papadimitropoulos Beyond neoliberalism: Digitization, freedom and the workplace
Experimental Chair on the Production of Subjectivity Call center: The art of virtual control

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| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3