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Alice Willatt Re-envisaging research on ‘alternatives’ through participatory inquiry: Co-generating knowledge on the social practice of care in a community kitchen
Alison Hearn Structuring feeling: Web 2.0, online ranking and rating, and the digital ‘reputation’ economy, Digital labour: Workers, authors, citizens
Alison Pullen Until the dust settles, Powerful writing, Crawling from the wreckage
Alison Stowell Thinking like Apple’s recycling robots: Toward the activation of responsibility in a postenvironmentalist world
Alnoor Ladha Perverse particles, entangled monsters and psychedelic pilgrimages: Emergence as an onto-epistemology of not-knowing
Amanda Bill Creativity and class
Amelie Baumann Transilient relations: Exploring the social in anonymity
Amir Elmi Keshtiban Non-ephemeral nomads
Amit S. Rai Control and becoming in the neoliberal teaching machine
Amy Pason We are all workers: A class analysis of university labour strikes
Ana Carolina Jacob Manzoli Echoes from the streets in our classroom: A collaborative autoethnography in a Business School in Brazil
Ana María Munar Dancing between anger and love: Reflections on feminist activism
Anders Bojesen In the name of love: Let’s remember desire
Anders la Cour A vanishing act: The magical technologies of invisibility in care work
Anders Raastrup Kristensen Symptoms of organization, The organization of ignorance: An ethnographic study of the production of subjects and objects in an artificial intelligence project
André Luis Silva Re-opening the field and epistemic justice: An anthropophagic framing of Robert Cooper
André Reichel Shape of things to come: From the ‘laws of form’ to management in the post-growth economy
André Spicer Management of self-management, Guilty lives: The authenticity trap at work, Extitutions: The other side of institutions, Opening the companion , Images of the academy, or, Lenin in Seattle, Writing in the margins is being elsewhere. Always., Technical questions: A review of key works on the question of technology, Radicalising organisation studies and the meaning of critique, Out of the cynical bind? A reflection on resistance in Fight Club
Andrea Bernardi Time to fix our teaching materials?
Andrea Fumagalli Life put to work: Towards a life theory of value
Andreas Broeckmann Images of anonymity
Andreas Chatzidakis Farewell to consumerism: Countervailing logics of growth in consumption, Commodity fights in Post-2008 Athens: Zapatistas coffee, Kropotkinian drinks and Fascist rice
Andreas Diedrich Constructing the employable immigrant: The uses of validation practices in Sweden
Andreas Jansson The political economy of corporate governance , Undisciplined Economies
Andreas Wittel The exposure of Kataryna: How Polish journalists and bloggers debate online anonymity, The social productivity of anonymity
Andrei Botez The rise of stagnancy and emergent possibilities for young radicals: Deleuze and the perils of idolatry
Andrés Montenegro Locating work in Santiago Sierra’s artistic practice
Andrew DJ Shield Grindr culture: Intersectional and socio-sexual
Andy Brookes The absurd workplace: How absurdity is hypernormalized in contemporary society and organizations
Andy Murray The reinvention of tradition
Aneta Podkalicka On the meaning of popular representations of low-budget urban practices in Poland: The case of cultural translation
Angela Mitropoulos The demography of time and the times, The household frontier
Angela Wigger A critical appraisal of what could be an anarchist political economy
Angelika Sjöstedt Landén Compassion and contradictions in the world of creative knowledge work
Angelos Evangelinidis Workers’ inquiry in praxis: The Greek student movement of 2006-2007
Angus Cameron Irish utopian realism?

All Issues

| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3