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Title Sort ascending Contributions by this author
Cristina Morini Life put to work: Towards a life theory of value
Craig Willse Life beyond work, Notes towards a theory of affect-itself
Craig Willse
Craig Prichard Creativity and class
Craig Brandist The perestroika of academic labour: The neoliberal transformation of higher education and the resurrection of the ‘command economy’
Cornelius Kurt Donat Of mice and man
Consuelo Vásquez Towards a politics of dis/organization: Relations of dis/order in organization theory and practice
Constantin Petcou R-URBAN or how to co-produce a resilient city
Committee – The Free University of Liverpool FUL’s free work
Collective Autonomy Research Group The anarchist commons
Colin Wright Opening spaces: Power, participation and plural
 democracy at the World Social Forum
Colin Cremin Communicity, Living and really living: The gap year and the commodification of the contingent
Colin C. Williams Anarchist economic practices in a ‘capitalist’ society: Some implications for organisation and the future of work
Colectivo Situaciones Crisis, governmentality and new social conflict: Argentina as a laboratory, Further comments on research militancy. 
Footnotes on procedures and (in)decisions
Cliff Oswick Bridges, barricades and sandcastles
Claudia Firth Reading groups: Organisation for minor politics?
CiT-Collective Grassroots initiatives as pioneers of low-budget practices: An activists’ roundtable
Chto Delat Alternatives to mainstream publishing within and beyond academia
Christos Memos Dignified rage, insubordination and militant optimism
Christos Giotitsas
Christopher Wellbrook A workers’ inquiry or an inquiry of workers?
Christoffer Bagger Worshipping work in Silicon Valley
Christine Schwarz Designers of competition at work: A neoliberal consensus-machine caught in the act
Christina Volkmann Myths of a near past: Envisioning finance capitalism anno 2007, Of language, limits, and secrets
Christina Hee Pedersen Powerful writing
Christina Garsten Sorting people in and out: The plasticity of the categories of employability, work capacity and disability as technologies of government
Christian Marazzi Who killed god pan?
Christian Maravelias Roundtable: Free work, The managementization of everyday life – workplace health promotion and the management of self-managing employees, Health at work, Freedom at work in the age of post-bureaucratic organization
Christian Huber Crisis, critique and alternatives: Revolutionary politics as the lost substance of the left?
Christian Garmann Johnsen Water in the desert: ephemera as an Arendtian oasis, Modes of organization, Landscapes of political action, Hosting emergence with hospitality, The dark side of management: Gerard Hanlon in dialogue with ephemera, Organizing for the post-growth economy
Christian Frankel The hours: A gaze, a kiss and the lapse between them. An eventalisation
Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen Seeing blindness: A combined psychodynamic and interactional approach to the study of ignoring
Christian De Cock How I learned to stop worrying and love finance, Colouring Benjamin, Paid in full? Writing beyond the pale, What I read about the global financial crisis in 2007 and 2008, Myths of a near past: Envisioning finance capitalism anno 2007, Of language, limits, and secrets, Myths of a near future: Advertising the new economy, Through a glass darkly: Tales of super-capitalism, Dis/organizing fascism, In these critical times: Of monstrosity, catastrophe, and the future of critique
Chris Land Theory and politics in organization, Against transparency: Surveillant assemblages, partition and the limits of digital democracy, From mineral mining to data mining: Understanding the global commodity chain of internet communications, Organizing otherwise: Translating anarchism in a voluntary sector organization, The question of organization: A manifesto for alternatives, Apomorphine silence: Cutting -up Burroughs' theory of language and control, Throwing shoes..., What's it all for? Against schooling in the corporate university, Mobile mutations, Writing politics, Vorsprung durch Technik?, Exploring the (expanded) realm of organisation: Celebrations of a Cooperian revolution, It appears that certain aphasiacs..., O cursèd spite, Castles made of sand
Chris Ivory The imagined user in projects: Articulating competing discourses of space and knowledge work
Chris Barton

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| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3