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Modes of organization

Most of the work leading to publication of this open issue has taken place during the pandemic’s overlapping phases of lockdown, containment, vaccination and (re)opening. Somewhere along the way, we, the editors of this open issue, came to embrace its diverse contributions through the theme of ‘Modes of organization’, as an oblique return to the perennial question ‘What is organization?’.

Redemption between politics and ontology: Agamben on the coming politics

There is a prevailing view of the thought of Giorgio Agamben that reads him as a decidedly pessimistic thinker, and a modern day Cassandra, or even a philosopher who is channelling Chicken Little, telling all and sundry that the sky is collapsing and the modern world is on an inexorable path to destruction. This prevailing view has held sway for much of the past decade and a half, but it is, slowly, and thankfully, being challenged by a new wave of scholarship. This ‘negative’ reading of Agamben was not without apparent justification.

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| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3