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Always elsewhere

volume 7, number 4

In the editorial for the ephemera issue 7(2) Spoelstra, O’Shea and Kaulingfreks (2007) reflect upon ephemera’s relation to the wider field of organization studies. Marginality is brought up as a main trademark of ephemera, in effect its core business. We would like to spend this editorial on following up on this theme. This is not only because marginality is a pertinent issue in need of further discussion. Which it is. It is also an attempt to use the editorial space as an arena for transparent dialogue between the members of the editorial collective of ephemera. For us, that is exactly what ephemera is or should be: an ongoing dialogue on organization (the original sub-title of the journal was critical dialogues on organization). 

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| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3