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Datafied Organisation – between big promises and mundane fixes. Perspectives from critical data and algorithm studies

Critical data and algorithm studies has become an important antidote to the overblown promises around data and algorithms. This emerging field seeks to explore the relationships between the social and the technical in more nuanced ways than the dominant narratives shaped by the digital economy, whose business is based on selling technology that is supposedly always new, smart, more convenient and innovative.

Crawling from the wreckage: Does critique have a future in the business school?


Survival itself has something nonsensical about it today, like dreams in which, having experienced the end of the world, one afterwards crawls from the basement.

T.W. Adorno, Minimal Moralia.

Critique is always a critique of some instituted practice, discourse, episteme, institution, and it loses its character the moment in which it is abstracted from its operation and made to stand alone as a purely generalizable practice. 

Judith Butler, What is Critique? An Essay on Foucault’s Virtue.

Speaking truth to power? Theorizing whistleblowing

This workshop explores the relation between whistleblowing and forms of organizational power, and with critique. With the shocking revelations of Snowden and Wikileaks, and news of Manning’s mistreatment in custody, whistleblowing is a ‘hot topic’ in news debates. Even so, public perceptions of whistleblowers are rife with ambivalence; for some they represent ‘traitorous violators’ of a code of fidelity to their organization, suspicious figures who reject their obligations of loyalty to the employer, and dangerous tellers of secrets.

The disjointedness of time: Ghostly matters in organization

This ephemera workshop aims to discuss how the study of ghosts and ghostly matters in organizations can contribute to an understanding of what organization and organizing is. It will explore the disorderly, the unexplainable, the uncanny qualities of organizational life and attends to all the different sorts of ‘absent-presences’ that haunt, disrupt, distort, trouble, and bother the smooth functioning of work life. Additionally, it aims to learn about fissures between shiny futures and inadequate pasts and entanglements of hopes and fears in organizational life.

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| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3