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Title Sort ascending Contributions by this author
Jørgen Leth Tripping up the perfect
Juvénal Ndayambaje Revealing the dominant anthropological consideration of humankind in the teaching of Human Resource Management: A critique of individual performance evaluation
Justine Grønbæk Pors Ghostly matters in organizing, Landscapes of political action, Crawling from the wreckage, Organised ignorance
Jussi Vähämäki The mimetic turn of economy , The structure of change: An introduction, Controlling the multitude, Theory of the multitude
Jussi Parikka Contagion and repetition: On the viral logic of network culture
Julie MacLeavy Neoliberalism and the new political crisis in the West
Julian May Working through the allotment
Julia Udall An unfinished lexicon for autonomous publishing, Mending the commons with the ‘Little Mesters’
Joysinett Moraes da Silva Uma outra linguagem: A Mística na produção da consciência dos integrantes do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) / Another language: Mística and the production of consciousness among members of the Landless Workers Movement (MST)
Joyce Goggin 'Of luck and leverage', Playbour, farming and labour
Journal of Peer Production Alternatives to mainstream publishing within and beyond academia
Joss Winn Open education: Common(s), commonism and the new common wealth
Joshua Sperber The political economy of the podcast and the rise of the left entrepreneur
Josephine Maltby There is no such thing as audit society: A reading of Power, M. (1994a) 'The audit society'
José Francisco Puello-Socarrás The two faces of the common? Communal forms of government from below as counter-hegemonic alternatives
Jordan Crandall Between movement and position: Tracking and its 
landscapes of readiness
Joram ten Brink In between
Jonathan Burston Digital labour: Workers, authors, citizens
Jon McKenzie Revisiting Jon McKenzie’s Perform or else: Performance, labour and pedagogy
Jon Bertilsson The slippery relationship between brand ethic and profit
John Wynne Do(n't)
John Urry Collective low-budget organizing and low carbon futures: An interview with John Urry
John T. Luhman Worker-ownership as an instrument for solidarity and social change?
John Roberts Faith in the numbers
John Mingers The "rough beast" that is the REF
John Mendy The absurd workplace: How absurdity is hypernormalized in contemporary society and organizations
John Lever Becoming and staying talented: A figurational analysis of organization, power and control
John Carter McKnight Zopa’s lambs: Video ads, internet investment, and the financialization of affect
John Armitage Project(ile)s of hypermodern(organ)ization
Johanna Leinius Methodologies of resistance: Facilitating solidarity across difference in inter-movement encounters
Johanna Hakala Academic work: Is it worth the trouble?
Johann Packendorff Project management behind the façade
Johan Söderberg Repurposing the hacker: Three cycles of recuperation in the evolution of hacking and capitalism, When all that is theory melts into (hot) air: Contrasts and prallels between actor network theory, autonomist Marxism, and open Marxism
Joel Hietanen The rise of stagnancy and emergent possibilities for young radicals: Deleuze and the perils of idolatry
Joe Gilmore An unfinished lexicon for autonomous publishing
Joe Deville Waiting on standby: The relevance of disaster preparedness

All Issues

| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3