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critical publishing

Pasts, presents and futures of critical publishing

Dear readers,

Thank you for being a part of ephemera: theory & politics in organization. You are what makes ephemera a unique journal: a meeting point of scholarly disciplines, a home for emerging ideas that push forward and transform these disciplines, and a community in which past, present and future political questions can be addressed and acted upon. In a time characterized by distraction and productivity, choosing to spend your time reading this journal is the most precious gift we could ever hope to receive.

Pasts, presents, and futures of critical publishing: Marking 20 years of ephemera

In 2001, the first issue of ephemera was published and a new journal was born. Against the growing tide of big publishing houses buying up academic journals, offering administrative support in return for copyright, the central ambition of ephemera has been to ensure open access to peer-reviewed, high quality research for all. ephemera provides its content free of charge, and charges its readers only with free thought. 

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All Issues

| vol. 23, no. 2
| vol. 23, no. 1
| vol. 22, no. 3